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 FLNA Services

FLNA is a full service 501c3 non profit organization serving communities with options to help enhance the lives of those battling from chronic illness. 

Fibromyalgia and Lupus National Association (FLNA) is a community nonprofit organization that strives to help butterflies to regain, and maintain their quality of life.  Living with chronic illness changes many and they begin to lose their hope. Nevertheless we are determined to help erase those fears, misunderstandings, and give everyone back their HOPE.  We have developed several  programs to help strengthen butterflies and reach their goals.   


​Young Forever: An exercise program with subgroups of differing physical abilities. The groups range from dance classes to chair yoga to an outdoor walking program, using a 1/2 mile track local healthcare facilities, to include water aerobics, and gentle stretching routines for arthritis, fibromyalgia, and lupus sufferers.

Fibro & Lupus 101is a program to help individuals seeking advice in regards to social security, disability, FMLA, and other questions or concerns that may arise. Also how to deal with the daily stresses of life, through inspirational quotes, diet, exercise that will help continued development within a personal and professional regiment.
Your Health is a structured leadership program that brings in healthcare professionals from the community and local healthcare facilities together to speak and teach factual awareness of Fibromyalgia and related diseases.

Mind, Body, and Soul:offers beginners, intermediate, and advance healthcare wellness education and training. This is a program to help heal the mind, body, and soul by way of utilizing health program that help empower individuals by way of remaining positive. Also to provide helpful information about diet and exercise regiments, as well as reshaping, and refocusing their social life skills.

Free Spirit: is an all youth program that helps youth deal with the issues faced today as they live with the chronic disease well into their adult life. It will teach them how to deal with the daily stresses of school, peer pressure, family life, and how to deal with illness.

Financial Literacy: is a program designed to help individuals how to manage their finances, learn about the importance of credit, budgeting, and financial wealth.

Games for Brains: A program of games for varied interests and abilities encompassing computer games, trivia and puzzles to chess, checkers, and other board games. Several reading groups are included in this program.

Teach Me Now: A series of lectures and presentations by experts in fibromyalgia and lupus and their overlapping illnesses.

Meals for Life: Provide patients with the ability to learn how to eat healthy and providing recipes, and educating about gluten free, low fat diets, the importance of fruits and vegetables. During our programs we will serve a hot breakfast and a hot lunch that follow federal standards for age appropriate nutrition..


These programs are available to members who have a FLNA Membership Card.  Get your membership card today we welcome you with open arms. 


Butterfly Hugs, 

R. Denise Brooks-Brightman

FLNA  Founder

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